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MDM Summer Science Outreach!

This summer, Maine Discovery Museum has once again partnered with the Franklin Institute (in Philadelphia) to offer GSK Science in the Summer™. Sponsored by GSK and offered in collaboration with The Franklin Institute, the goal of this program is to increase children's value of and confidence in doing science and pursuing STEM careers, especially for children from backgrounds currently underrepresented in STEM fields. The theme this year is "Be a Physicist!" and children will be invited to take on the role of scientists as they investigate different forms of energy and use the principles of physics to solve real-world problems.

MDM's GSK Science in the Summer™ program is headed up by Marisa Kelley, who notes, "Over the last 8 years of teaching GSK Science in the Summer, I have had the opportunity to watch hundreds of young minds fall in love with science. By providing students with high-quality, hands-on material, their eyes are opened to a variety of new career paths that they normally wouldn't be exposed to. Thanks to GSK Science in the Summer™ and the Franklin Institute, we have been able to watch young minds fall in love with science and spark the belief that they can be a scientist one day and help make the world better." MDM's GSK Science in the Summer™ reaches approximately 800 school-aged children in throughout Maine, with many of the sessions happening rural communities. If you're interested in learning more about this program for future years, email us at

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